Friday, October 28, 2011

Life is good, even in Utah . . . who knew?!!!

Well, we are super duper behind.  Although my life is pretty basic, having a busy 7 1/2 month old who loves to type on the computer and does not like to nap makes it a bit tricky to update the blog.  The last two months have gone by in a whirlwind.  We packed up our little apartment in Hawaii, flew to Cali,
packed a few belongings in the dump trailer, drove to Utah, unpacked, and started back to BYU!
      First I will give you my update because it is the fastest and the most boring!  I work out everyday, eat healthy, play with baby, and clean.  The usual mom stuff, I LOVE it!
      Chad has had quite the two months.  The first few days he had a good attitude and then it all came crashing down.  He realized that he had been away from school for awhile and that BYU was not going to be a walk in the park.  The students are 1/2 his age and three of his professors are younger than he is.  He was frustrated to say the least.  In a matter of just a couple of months all that has changed! I am soooo proud of him!  Not only did I get a hard worker for a husband, but he is a smarty pants!!!  His teachers love him, his fellow students love him.  This week, for example, he got the results back from an extremely hard test, he was the only A in the class!  The teacher contacted Chad to tell that he had recieved the highest score ever (including past years) on the test and that he would strongly recomend that Chad go to grad school.  Not only is he scoring high on tsets but on his papers too.  Tonight we are going out to celebrate!
     Holland Rose is a gem!  She makes us laugh every day, all day!  When did my baby get so big!!!  In the last two weeks alone she learned how to crawl on her hands and knees from army crawl and to pull herself to standing.  She thinks that she is pretty hot stuff, and we have to agree with her.  She now refuses to sit or hold still.  Ready, set, here we GO!  Just as I thought that we had conquered the nap time, she now takes that time to practice her standing.  It took five attempts and five hours today before her first nap happened.  She now says Dada, although it is not mama it is pretty darn cute.  She is an amazing baby, she is observant, she is sweet, she is smart, and she is strong.  She hates being by herself, she hates being left out, and she hates any form of baby food (she wants the big kids food).  She still loves her bath time, she loves when we sing, she loves when Chad plays rock and roll and sings to her, she smiles 90% of the time (except when she is teething), she tolerates her car seat, she loves being home, she loves her parents total attention, she loves other kids, she hates getting dressed, she loves peek a boo.  I love it when I will be in another room and her little face will poke around the corner with a giant grin.  She looks at me like she is so sneaky and hilarious.  I love hearing her laugh, it is the best sound in the entire world!  And right now she is doing this cute little thing where she raises her hand over her head.  I don't understand it, but if you saw her raising her hand with that smirk on her face, you'd think it was cute too.  She's always pulling out these quirky little behaviors.  A month or so ago, when Jessiann was here, every time Holland looked at her, Holland would open her mouth like a codfish.  It was so odd, but adorable.  She's so funny!  In fact, right now she's pushing (with her head) a giant box of Huggies across the family room.  She loves having a body and always seems to be pushing herself to do the next thing.
     We have loved being so close to Thurman, Rosemarie, and Grant!  They have been so kind and supportive.  Talk about a giant blessing to have them close by.  We are with them several times a week, we would be so lonely without them!!! It is also been so exciting for me to have my family a few hours away!  I have not lived near them in nearly ten years!  I have gone to Idaho twice, and part of my family came here last weekend.  I have loved every second with them.
     Here several pictures to show our lives here in Utah:

Chad's future biking partner

Holland loves Nana Puggy

We bought this hat for $3 at the swiss day festival, I can not stop laughing at how funny it is

Definantly one of a kind

Congrats Grant!

Congrats Rosemarie and Thurman #5

In her toy box

Thomas the fix it man working in the casual (underpants)

Thomas and Holland loved to wrestle

Four generations: Greatgrandma O, Grand Mary, Me, and Holland Rose

Grandma O and Holland have the same squinty smile

Sadie and her boys with grandmas

I am crawling!

Grant took these pictures for us with my camera and they turned out great!  Thanks Grant!

Holland loves this trick, HOT STUFF

We set Holland in the middle of a pile of leaves, she dislikes it, she held her hands up so she would not have to touch them


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Holland Loppity Lop - five months old

Our Holland Lop

So this is Chad blogging in case you were wondering.  So its gonna be Chad-style.  Whatever that means.

So let me tell you a bit about how my little Lop is growing up. 
She's rad.  She's over five months now.

At the WINDY Pali Look-out with Auntie Hannah

She can scoot around a bit now, but she kinda only has one gear -- reverse.  When a toy is out of her reach and its in front of her, she honks at me or Jenn to move it to her.  But if its behind her . . . no sweat, . . . can.

She's sitting up a little now too.  But if she leans too far to the left or right . . . timber!  So make sure there is padding. 

She's a smiler.  She is amused by everything and everyone.  She has this sort of half-smile as she sits and watches people.  She loves things like balloons and palm trees fluttering in the wind.  Totally gets her giggling.  She loves her little cousins.  The ones that are sweet to her.  But she doesn't know how she feels about Uncle Kelii.  He's a bit intense for her I think.  She's used to her boring dad. 
Lop and her Auntie Hannah

Sometimes I come home from work all fired up about some client or thing that happened and over dinner I'm telling a story to Jenn and my voice is louder and Jenn and I are pretty serious and then I look over at Holland sitting there in her little blue bumbo and she's totally smiling at me.  She thinks I'm funny when I get fired up.  I have to ask her, "what's funny about this?!  This isn't funny!" and she just giggles.  Talk about a reality check from our little girl.  We're lucky to have this Lop.
Little Surfer Girl

She's a total momma's girl.  The other night Jenn left her with me while Jenn took Hannah to the PCC Night Show.  It was only for a few hours.  Holland and I were doing great.  She loved dinner time.  I gave her some rice cereal.  Loved it.  I gave her a bath.  She loved it.  I played with her and dressed her for bed and we were doing great.  But when her head and eyelids were heavy and she was ready for bed.  She looked around for mom and was inconsolable.  I tried everything I can think of.  But nothing would console her but mom.  You'd think most kids would wear themselves out crying and fall asleep.  But Holland has never done that.  Not once.  She can really hang in there until she gets what she wants.  She knows exactly what it is too.  No alternative will do.  And you can't distract her.  I prayed for a head-strong girl before she got here . . . and we got one.  She's a tough cookie.  As soon as Jenn picked her up, the tears stopped.  And she smiled.  Like a light switch.  What a girl. 

With Hannah and Mom at the Dole Plantation

She's delightful and smart.  Totally interested in the world around her.  Loves the five toys we have for her.  Loves the ABC book Jenn picked up for her.  She can lie on her tummy and play for a whole 20 minutes sometimes.  Loves her stuffed monkey, Winston.  Loves to sleep with a blanket over her face at night.  That makes Jenn nervous.  Sometimes she sleeps between us on our little bed and she'll reach over and feel for me in the night.  I love it.  She'll bury her head in my armpit, hold on to my shirt, or sometimes my finger and sleep there all night.  In the morning, Jenn will kiss her head and say, "she smells like deodorant."  Sorry.  Better than B.O., right? 

My two girls.

She still loves her bath more than anything.  She loves the water, she's learning how to splash.  She used to just lie there.  Well, those days are over.  Sits up and touches everything and splashes.  And she loves to be sung to.  I sing to her everynight and it really is my favorite thing too.  She listens to me so intensely and smiles.  She loves music.  We play music videos sometimes on YouTube and she loves those too.  She loves the hymns at church and loves music in the car.  I sing to her my own version of "Lida Rose" from the Music Man everynight.  But its "Holland Rose, I'm home again Rose."  I like being a dad.  Its the best.  

She got her immunizations and the doctor isn't worried about the hemangiomas on her tongue and right hand.  We just need to watch it to see if it gets bigger and so far it hasn't.  Doc thinks it'll go away on its own.  
She's in the 96th percentile for her height and 50th percentile for her head size, 70th percentile for her weight.  She's a long, lean baby.  And has a cute round face.  When Jenn took her in to get her shots, she cried when the shots were administered and stopped immediately when Jenn picked her up.  When Jenn got her back to the car, Jenn tried nursing her and she bit Jenn twice, then looked up at Jenn and smiled.  Jenn was fine.  Hannah was there and she started cracking up because Holland is such a firecracker.  
She loved being held up in the wind at the Pali Look-out.

I don't know if two parents could love a child more than we do.  We love her to bits.  She brings us so much joy.  I can't imagine my life without her.  We're so grateful Heavenly Father sent her to us for this time. 

Other news . . .
We're going back to BYU-Provo.  We bought tickets to head back to Sacramento on August 24th.  We'll pack up the truck at Dori's house and then head out across that wonderful Nevada desert that I love so much.  No seriously.  I do love it and Jenn always makes fun of me.  I love Nevada.  Ask me why some time and I'll talk your ear off.  I'm looking forward to the road trip.  I'm trying to convince Jenn to take Highway 50.  I'm excited to go back to school.  We've prayed and prayed about this decision.  We've made a lot of sacrifices up to this point to make this happen and we're really only doing it because it feels like its what the Lord wants us to do.  I only make this note public because I want our friends to know that we are really trying these days to live the gospel in deed and we are excited about the adventure of living by faith.  I know we have received a lot of counsel as to the contrary.  That maybe we should stick with the job and had not sold the house.  Jenn and I know we aren't the most "in-tune" or "confident" people in the world, still, we're trying to be prayerful in our life decisions.  36 years old and heading back to school to study English and writing.  Crazy?  It should be a great story no matter how it turns out.  Thank you to all of you who have been supportive and understanding.  

We want our family members to know that we love and appreciate you all.  Grant was here this last month or so and we loved having him in our lives again.  He's such a gentle and sweet young man.  Obedient and without guile.  Big and strong too.  And handsome.  And has great hair.  The girls better watch out.  Hannah was here too.  She was wonderful company, a delight.  I hope she had fun.  We enjoyed her.  Hannah, you have great hair too. 

Nothing is more important than family and the gospel. 

She wore this outfit to church.  She stuck out like a sore thumb.  A white baby in a Rainbo-Brite outfit among all the brown people in Hauula.  You shoulda seen it.
We will miss Jared's family and Megan's family and David's family when we leave.  We've loved every  minute of our time with them and their children.  But we are also excited to be near our folks and Jenn's family for a year or so while we go to school.   We've loved our summer here in Hawaii and all the friends we've made and all the fun experiences we've had. 

She's rad.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Good, bad, and the ugly!

I can’t believe that June is over and we are well into July.  So much has happened in the last month and a half.  Chad and I had our 2 anniversary (I love you very much Chad McKay Evans), Chloe was baptized, we moved into our own apartment, Holland learned how to roll over, 4th of July, and Chad got bit by a poisonous centipede and had to go to the ER.  This island (Oahu) has had a long history for Chad.  He has healed from surgery here, worked here, played here, dated here, escaped from girls here, gone to school here, lived in the "Meat Rack" with his brothers here. I do not have a long history here, but feel like I have learned a lot on this island.  Although at times I feel out of my comfort zone this island has been really good to Chad and I.  It is amazingly beautiful, it is fun, it is kind, it is humid, and it has giant centipedes!!!  That is the good, bad, and the ugly.   

I was going to post a picture of a Hawaiian centipede, but I did not want to have look at it ever again. If you are curious, you can google it.   

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, which is great for Holland and I because she is already done with me typing.  She would rather be playing peek a boo, singing Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam(her current favorite), wrestling, playing in her johnny jumpup, swimming in the pool (not the ocean, she is scared), giggling, snacking on adult food (her dad gives her things when he thinks that I am not looking), grabbing everything she can reach, putting everything she grabs in her mouth, interacting with anyone who will talk to her, grunting, talking (the kids swear that she says Hi to them), sucking her lower lip, riding in her stroller (which she now loves), taking a bath, really anything that requires my full attention!    We love her and can't believe that she is ours!!!

Holland Rose Evans at 3 months

Watching a movie

Happy Family

Chad adores Holland!

The girls, Eva, Chloe, and Holland at Chloe's baptism

Chloe, Holland, and Jonas working the camera

The many faces of this little girl in just a few short minutes:
1." Give me that camera"

2. "Dad look at me, I want you to play with me"

3. "Are we there yet, I want out of my car seat"

4. "Oh, that is a new toy"

5. "Ok, dad talk to me some more"

6. "I am bored again"

7. "Oh good, we are there"

8. "Why am I still in my car seat, GET ME OUT!"

We love theese two girls

Hanging out at the hotel for our anniversary

"I hate tummy time, I will tolerate it if dad talks to me"

Still has her little red dot on her tongue

Holland and mom ready to go get some dinner

Taking a walk after dinner

Beautiful sunset!

Watching Tv, I bet dad had you watching the history chanel


I mostly sweet, but sometimes a little sour

Got to love those dimples

I am the queen of drool

This girl has her dad wrapped around her finger, right where she wants him

"Who me?"

Happy 4th of July, they have matching shirts

Party time!

Auntie Amy!

The Turtle Bay fireworks were great, they ended right before the rain

Holland did not even flinch, she watched the entire show

Thinking about whether or not she likes her new toy

"Look at me, I am so grown up"

She crashes every night

Family day at the beach, she HATED the ocean

Would rather soak in the sun

Let me eat the camera

Holland Rose at 4 months old!  I cannot believe she is so big.