Friday, January 18, 2013

Elijah Grayson Evans

Elijah Grayson Evans, AKA baby, brother, Trot, Gray, little man, best baby ever, and Eli

As usual, it has been long over due since our last blog entry and I have so much to share, but the most important thing is that our baby is here!  I will go back to November.  I was able to go visit my family in Rexburg for the Thanksgiving Holiday, Chad had been working long hours, so Holland and I headed out of town the week before Thanksgiving.  Right before we left I had my doctors appointment and they informed me that the baby was sideways.  Nothing too scary, but it might make things interesting.  Holland and I had a nice time in Rexburg and enjoyed dancing, amazing food, game night, and having lots of family to play with and boss around.  On Thanksgiving day we headed back to Provo to spend the rest of the day with Chad. Later that night I experienced my first Black Friday shopping experience with Megan, Kelii, and Grant.

Over the next few weeks Chad kept working and Holland and I got ready for baby.  Each week I went to the doctor we would find baby boy in a different position by ultra-sound, and the mid-wives informed me that we would need to schedule an induction for week 39, which would be on Dec. 17th.  On Monday morning the 17th,  Chad and I woke up very early and got ready to go have a baby (which at this point we had no name and Chad thought it was going to be a girl).  Rosemarie showed up to watch Holland, and so we headed to the hospital.  They admitted us, found the baby head down, got the IV in my arm, and we were geared up to see our baby.  Then the nurse recieved the phone call that I was not dialated enough, so we were to be released.  I was crushed, so was Chad.  We were told to visit the doctor on the 20th and see where the baby was, and see if I had progressed.  On the 20th, we found the baby side ways again.  I was frustrated, but hopeful that all would work out.  The midwife and the doctor informed me that they would like me to go the hospital the next morning to have our baby! 

On Friday 12/21/12 (which was supposed to be the last day of the world) our baby was born!  We repeated what we had done on Monday morning, feeling like they may send us home again, but it was for reals!  I feel like I cheated the system, it was a very easy labor and delivery.  Baby was head down so they did not have to turn him, and once the drugs started it was only 6 hours until our little miracle man made his appearance.  He came into the world at 4:03 pm face up, with the cord around his neck, and a knot in his cord.  When I saw that one of the nurses was a little emotional about how he was a miracle baby, the emotion of his birth sunk in.  Tears streaming down my face, all I could do is send up a silent pray of graditude to Heavenly Father for allowing me to hold this tiny miracle.  Elijah was 16 lbs 15 ounces, 21 inches long, long fingers and feet, AMAZING hair, and we knew he was a boy right away since he came out peeing (right in my face).   

Even though  I was in the hospital for 48 hours, I could not wait to get home.  I missed Chad and Holland so much, I even called him at 3:00 in the morning because I was lonely.  I came home just in time for Christmas.  On Christmas Eve we headed to Rosemarie and Thurman's for a lovely dinner.  It was snowing like crazy, Chad, Holland, and Elijah got to enjoy their first white Christmas.  Christmas morning was an adventure.  Holland woke up at 4 am wanting to see brother.  She has no concept of Santa at 21 months.  For some reason, she really wanted to go into the living room, which had all of Santa's gifts under the tree.  Finally after putting her to bed several times, and Chad watching movies with her in her bedroom, we opened gifts.  We had a very simple Christmas planned, we had gotten a few gifts for Holland, but due to two secret santas, Christmas was extra special.  If you are reading this, and you were our secret Santas, we are truely grateful!!!  Gifts were left at Chad's office and on our front porch.  Clothes for baby, toys for Holland, and gift cards for me!  There are very kind people in the world!

Being a mom to a new born and 22 month old is a blessing and an adventure.  Luckily, Elijah is such a mellow baby and Holland keeps the laughs flowing. 

Adventure with Holland:
1.  Does not want to keep her clothes on
2.  Does not want to nap
3.  Does not want to eat
4.  Plays her new piano and sings into the microphone like a pro while swinging her arm
5.  Wears her high heels, and can run around the house on her tip toes in them
6.  Marches everywhere and dances by swinging her arm back and forth while marching
7.  Loves to dance to the Meet Me in St. Louis movie
8.  Has Richard Simons hair if not tamed
9.  Loves to give kisses, especially to brother
10.  Drinks milk and juice like it is going out of style
11.  Knows just how to make Chad and I laugh
12.  Clicks her tongue to brother like it is baby talk
13.  Loves movies makes the best facial expressions while watching them
14.  Loves people and believes that everyone loves her too (I wish this would always stay this way)
15.  Loves to entertain
16. Got lost at the volleyball game, we found her in the stair well with big scared tears, broke my heart.  She went back to playing on the stairs, not needing us in two minutes
17.  We tried potty training for one day,  but I found toliet, tub, floor, and girl covered in wet toilet paper and wet underpants while I was trying to change babies blow out which resulted in me waiting awhile (undetermined) before taking on that challenge.
18.  Finding little girl with no clothes, no diaper, and a poop all over the crib (starting the potty training fiasco in the first place)
19.  Sings in her car seat to Journey
20.  Has picked brother up twice out of his swing, SCARY! Oops, my fault, I have to lock him in my room whenever I need to go potty, etc...
21.  Loves to color, will spend several minutes on a picture (a long time for her)
22.  Does puzzles, I am so proud of her
23.  Loves to play with her pretend food and plates, if only they were giving her real calories
24. Destroys an M&M, by carrying it around and digging her finger into it without actually eating it
25.  Says Mama, Mom, Da da, No Way, and chats and reads books without using any English, but has a way of comunicating and getting what she wants without speaking a language that I know
26.  We would not want to live without her, she is all that is good in life

1.  Is a sweet heart
2.  Sleeps like a champ
3.  Eats every 3 to 5 hours
4.  Hates to be cold
5.  Hated his bath a first and has now warmed up to the idea, if the water is the perfect temp
6.  Has the best hair
7.  Is very handsome
8.  Was a little jaundice
9.  Has thrush and a little bit of a cold
10. Loves to cuddle
11. Tolerates Holland, but not her toy piano
12.  Only makes a small noise when he is hungry
13.  We love him like crazy and I will declare him as a perfect baby

Some other goings on, Evan and Hannah got married!  I was so glad that I was able to be there, even though it was a freezing cold day in Salt Lake, it was great to see my family.  Sadie flew in, and Alisa and Nick spent a nice evening with us before the wedding.  We had also seen my parents and Evan and Brady in Salt Lake a couple of weeks before the wedding at temple square for Ty's concert, which we did not see because we had a tired girl and a very pregnant mama.  Poor Chad and Holland got sick from the pouring cold rain.  We get to go to Rexburg this weekend for the Idaho reception. 

Chad had an amazing first semester at Orem High, he loves the kids and they love him.  It is hard work, but testimonies are growing, including ours.  We have enjoyed going to football games, wrestling matches, and basketball games. 

Our little life is such a blessing, I have the smartest, hardest working, handsome husband, and two of the best babies.  I AM SO VERY BLESSED. 
