Thursday, March 8, 2012

Holland turns 1!!!

A year ago, why does time move so fast?!

She loves her dad

So funny!

We are so mature at our house!

BIG C and little c

Chad taught her how to do somersaults

At least she has my hair

She would live outside if she could


Happy Birthday Holland

With uncle Grant

Favorite gift, the sucker

Waiting for the cupcake


Our tiny little friend Marley

Piggy Tails

Got to touch everything

We love you!

My baby girl turned one.  Time seems like sand slipping through my fingers.  As I was preparing for her birthday yesturday, I kept thinking about my labor and her birth.  Last year we had a brand new baby girl.  This little one is so full of life and spunk.  She keeps us laughing.  She loves life, she loves people, she loves discovering, she loves attention.  Everything that we as her parents sometimes forget to love.  She is such an amazing spirit, I pray everynight that I will allow her to grow up loving life and people the way she does now.  We have had some nice weather this last week and she just stands and grunts by the door until I take her outside.  Once outside she wants to touch every leaf and rock.  We went to the park this last week and Holland ran up to these little girls who were two, she wanted to do everything that they were doing.  Climb the ladder, slide down the slide, and run around.  She is so aware.  We also went to IKEA last weekend, while we were there she went up to every child and several adults to say hello, most children were in their own little world, they didn't even seem to notice that she was honking at them, she gets confused at their non-response.  Everywhere I go she is making friends, grocery store, target, post office.  Holland will get the attention of any nice person by us and then just smile, or she will grunt and grunt until she does.  So charming, that little one.

She is also so smart, I bought her birthday gifts a few weeks ago.  I hid them under her bed.  She never looks under there.  That is what I thought.  The other day I hear her behind me, as I turn, she has dragged one of her gifts from her bedroom.  Everday she made it a point to crawl under her bed and drag out one of her gifts to play with.  I feel like her toys will not be as much fun now that they are out of the box and not under her bed. 

We had a small get together tonight.  We had invited a few friends but Holland was not feeling great today so we had Nanna and Papa and Grant.  A few hours before her party she started to open all of her presents, but when it came to doing it for an audience, she seemed to have forgotten how.  This year she got some books, photo albumns, a purse that sings(she loves dancing to the song/her dancing resembles squating up and down), and a teddy bear that sings.  Nanna and Pappa got her her own soft chair, shopping cart, and a sucker.  Of course her favorite gift of all was the sucker.  We had a mini Hawaiin birthday for her.  From the few decorations to the food.  Chad went to L&Ls and we got some plate lunches/dinner, we made haupia pie, pineapple and fruit, macadamian, sunshine cupcakes, and pog.  It was yummy!  She took one giant bite out of the cupcake and then smashed it all over her tray, so fun!!!

I love Chad, I love Holland, I am extremely grateful for my little family. 
I am so proud of Chad, he has been working his tail end off.  He gets amazing grades, he deals with 9th grade hormones, he listens to a lot of criticism and advise, and still finds energy to be a great husband and father.  I wish that I could carry some of his burden, I love him!


  1. Happy Birthday Holland! It seems like just yesterday we were taking pregnant walks around your neighborhood to help little Holland come out and meet the world. Miss you guys!

  2. Happy Birthday Holland! Thanks for calling us and letting Sean sing Happy Birthday. We miss you guys. Oh and Will also dances by squating up and down. I think they could have some pretty cool dance parties, the two of them.

  3. Happy Birthday, Lop! We love and miss you! Can't believe you're already one! And can't wait to see you guys this summer.
